
Year 6 had a great time learning how to ride their bikes safely and how to follow the rules of the road.

Bikeability is the government's national cycle training programme. It helps children learn practical skills and understand how to cycle on today's roads. Bikeability gives everyone the confidence to cycle and enjoy this skill for life, and all of our Year 6s achieved their Level 1 and 2 National Qualifications! 

Here are what our year 6 pupils thought:

"We learned the ABCD check. Air, Brakes, Chain and Drop. You do it every time you ride, check the air, check the brakes, check the chain and then you drop the bike to make sure it doesn't make any unusual noises."

"I especially enjoyed riding on the road, you learn so much and have fun! Our instructor was really nice."

"We learnt the 5 L's on how to get on the bike. I enjoyed going on the road and learnt how to stop and start and what to do when I come up to a T junction and how to signal. I think I am a pro rider now!"

Submitted by Louise Johnson on