Gummy Bear Experiment

As part of our Goldilocks and the Three Bears topic, we set up a Gummy Bear investigation! First we added water to 3 cups (making sure each had the same amount to make it a fair test), then we added salt to one cup and sugar to another; we left one with just plain water in. Next, we dropped one gummy bear into each cup and shared our ideas about what we think might happen to them over the next couple of days.

Our predictions:

"I think the bear in the salt will grow big."

"I think the sugar will make the bear turn white."

"I think they will all break apart."

"Maybe they will turn into a gummy bear plant and grow another gummy bear."

At the end of the week we will check to see if our predictions were right!

What do you think will happen?

Submitted by Gemma Snodgrass on