Anti-Bullying Morning

This morning our school took part in an anti-bullying morning. 

Class 3 talked about the power of one kind word. We read the story 'Bloom' by Anne Booth and Robyn Wilson-Owen. The children picked up on the message that with kind words a flower blooms and with unkind words it wilts. The children decided this would be the same for humans and that kind words can make our hearts happy. 

Class 4 are decorating a buddy bench for the playground so everyone has someone to play with. Our class decided to create kind word cobbles to decorate the area and make those who are feeling lonely have a happy heart.

Some of our words were: inspiring, kind, friendly, strong, lovable, polite, great, amazing and wonderful. 

Can you spot our finished kind word cobbles in the playground?

Submitted by Alice Tye on