Art - Printing

This week our foundation subject has been art and we have been inspired by Indian block printing.

We learnt about how the blocks are carved and then how these are used to create patterns on fabric. We then had a try ourselves and discovered it was trickier than we thought! We noticed you couldn't put too much or too little paint on the block otherwise the print wouldn't be clear. We also learnt you must press down firmly all across the block in order for the full design to be shown. 

On Wednesday a mysterious letter was delivered to school. It was from Pippin - the lead adventurer in our class book. She needed a new bag to keep all of her special gadgets inside and has asked us to design one for her. The brief was straight forward, she wanted a repeating pattern of no more than 2 colours and for the patterns to be those found in nature.

The children carefully planned out the design of their bags ensuring it had all of the requirements. Then on Thursday they had the joy of creating their designs in real life! Take a look at our work below. 

Submitted by Alice Tye on